Happy in a cage

1 min readSep 1, 2021

They say, not all are like that.
Yes, I say. But so what?
They can turn like that.

Why then should I let anyone close?
Why then should I not close?

Ah well! Some may drift near.
But then I won’t let them in.
No more. Never now on.

They say, how long will you stay at the harbour?
As long as I live, I say. No more travel, no more tour.
Rough seas were my past. I intend to leave them there.

I’ve seen men run faster than rats on sinking ships.
Some do hold each other tight. Most bite.
And they once called each other kin.
Hah! Rats and men, they both die.
Scars remain for those who survive.

And hey Floyd, I am happy in a cage.
The crumble within is comfort.
There’s no part for me in the war.
Call me coward, I don’t care.
I’m gonna take in all the air I can.

