Social distancing is good

2 min readDec 19, 2020

Date: 19th December, 2020

I wish someone had invented the term ‘social distancing’ sooner.

I realise that the precautionary mandate to ‘maintain social distance’ goes beyond its significance in the pandemic. When applied to life in general, it is actually a talisman that safeguards and keeps you at peace.

Think about it — what has been your experience with a vast majority of people you’ve opened up to? When you allowed people close to you, did they remain as close?

I am not being pessimistic, but people cannot usually be expected to respect you even if you do. People may not check on you even if you do. Expectations make you feel they should. But when it doesn’t happen, you feel bad. But you may still continue being your hopeless self.

You may continue to care to the point that you may feel it is right. Your love, loyalty, concern — label it whatever — makes you do it. Eventually, you think you will be understood. But what you may get back may be a mere title of ‘intrusive’ or worse still, an unexpected rebuttal of sorts.

Don’t get shocked. This is what happens when you don’t practice social distancing.

An ingrained, yet nuanced, adoption of social distancing does not make you selfish. It’s only you choosing yourself over others.

I don’t say one become aloof or disconnected. But there is no harm in not getting attached. Tokenism towards maintaining relationships with accepted societal norms may just be the way. No, it isn’t about being fake. See the benefits: You won’t build expectations. You won’t overestimate your need in lives of people. You won’t get hurt. You won’t hold grudges. What a good life that could be! Because you will always be good with people — with people, yet away from them. Walls after all are good. Waving out from window is okay. There is no need to meet in gardens or at cafes or even indulge in elaborate banters.

Social distancing — it needs to be seen in new light. It can make life peaceful. Personally, saying goodbyes is easier now. At times, there is no need of saying goodbyes. Thank you, dear pandemic, for the gift of social distancing.


